Imperial Lore Token

From Istaria Lexica

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This content is no longer in Istaria.

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Players with Imperial Lore Tokens may sell them to Selia Addlebrock for coin.

An Imperial Lore Token is an alternate form of currency in Istaria, often referred to as just a Lore Token. They were once used as tokens to directly purchase formulae from crafting trainers: a Beginner Imperial Lore Token was equivalent to 1 copper, and a Journeyman Imperial Lore Token was worth 15 copper each. Thus, a formula with a listed price of 30 copper on a trainer could have been purchased with 30 Beginner Imperial Lore Tokens, or two Journeyman Imperial Lore Token, or one Journeyman Imperial Lore Token and fifteen Beginner Imperial Lore Tokens.

Currently, Imperial Lore Tokens can only be used one at a time with the corresponding Formulatron to receive one random formula suitable for the character's current crafting class. This can include formulae the character already has scribed, or cannot scribe yet due to insufficient skill.