Azulyte Crystal Transmutation

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Crafting
From NPC(s): Balennos
Required race(s): Dragon
Required crafting school: Lairshaper (level: 20)
Locations: Relstaroth's Lair
Previous quest(s): Lairshaping Mastery II
View this quest in the Quest Tree
Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:
Focused Cerulean Azulyte Crystal, Focused Viridian Azulyte Crystal

Balennos has devised a method transmuting Focused Azulyte Crystals into a higher form using Tainted Essence. He is quite pleased with his new invention and wishes to pass on his knowledge to Lairshapers.

Quest text[edit]

Balennos tells you, Welcome back, <player>. Relstaroth tells me of your progress and he is quite pleased. You have far still to go, but you are doing well indeed! I have some knowledge that may assist you when constructing your lair. I have devised a method for transmuting Focused Azulyte Crystals from one form to another. I am quite pleased with the results! Would you hear more of this?

Balennos tells you, I thought you would! You see, after I returned to this plane I began exploring. On my journeys I encountered many things, including the Azulyte Crystals you have begun learning to work with. I also encountered much knowledge, much of it old and of no use to me, but some of it new. I spoke with some of those among our kind that practice other tradeskills and learned of transmuting. It has taken me some time, but I have finally perfected the process.

Balennos tells you, It is a simple one, using the basic theories that others of our kind have utilized for decades. You simply take focused azulyte crystals, tainted essence orbs, and you release the magic of the essence into the crystals. The magic essence imbues them, enhances them, and then using your ability to transmute and a Crystal Shaper you encourage... or maybe the better word is force, the crystals into the new form. It is an exciting process, <player>, and one of which I am quite proud!

Balennos tells you, But I am sure that you are eager to learn more about this new process. Very well. But, I do not give this knowledge lightly, <player>. I require you to prove to me that you can indeed master this method for transmutation. Therefore, go and create one-hundred Viridian Focused Azulyte Crystals and return here to me. You will also need harvest and process enough essence for twenty Tainted Dim Essence Orbs before returning here.

Balennos tells you, Ah, good, you have returned. And you do have the focused azulyte. Well done, <player>! Now, I have prepared a formula for you that contains the basic knowledge of transmutation. Take it and transmute the Viridian Azulyte Crystals and the Tainted Dim Essence Orbs into Focused Cerulean Azulyte Crystals and then we shall speak again.

Balennos tells you, Well done, <player>. These Cerulean Crystals appear to be of passable quality. While not perfect, I could expect little more from your first attempt at transmuting azulyte crystals. Practice makes perfect! Return here when you have gained sufficient experience.

