Dralnok: Denizens of the Dark

From Istaria Lexica

Quest type: Adventure
From NPC(s): Spirit of Dralnok
Required adventure school: Any (level: 100)
Locations: Dralnok's Doom
Previous quest(s): Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 2): The Hammer of Kings
View this quest in the Quest Tree
Item(s) required to start, progress or finish the quest:

You located the spirit of Dralnok Hammerfist, the late King of the Dwarves. He and his men perished down in the darkness of the caverns. Now he wishes for you to mete out a measure of revenge upon the creatures that killed his men.

NOTE: This quest can only be completed before you start "Dralnok's Doom (Chapter 3): Ganesh's Footsteps"

Quest text[edit]

Speak with the Spirit of Dralnok

My mission here, much of it remains hazy as if it were a dream. I can recall fragments; my descent into these caverns, terrible fights against the creatures that wander these lightless corridors... foul beetles, venomous scorpions, and worse.

  • I'm sorry for your loss.

Thank you, <player>. I owe a great debt to the men who died following me into this place, a debt I can never repay. Brobbet is not one to offer forgiveness, I fear, for justice is about balance. Perhaps you can help me mete out a measure of justice here and now?

  • I would do so, gladly.

Good. Wreck your vengeance upon the creatures here in the deep, <player>. The scorpions, the beetles and the spiders. Kill what you find, leave none to kill others.

Defeat four (4) Stygian Scorpions

Game Feedback: You have defeated sufficient scorpions.

Defeat six (6) Brachina Beetles

Game Feedback: You have defeated sufficient beetles.

Defeat twelve (12) Cave Crawlers

Game Feedback: You have defeated sufficient spiders.

Speak with the Spirit of Dralnok within Dralnok's Doom

Has vengeance been served, <player>?

  • It has.

Speak with Dralnok

Good. They may return in time, but it is enough to satisfy me and give me another measure of peace. You have my gratitude.


  • Speak with the Spirit of Dralnok
  • Defeat four (4) Stygian Scorpions
  • Defeat six (6) Brachina Beetles
  • Defeat twelve (12) Cave Crawlers
  • Speak with the Spirit of Dralnok within Dralnok's Doom
  • Speak with Dralnok

Target mobs


  • Adventure Experience: 37500
  • Money: 27s 500c