Bloodletter Birthing Sac From Istaria Lexica Bloodletter Birthing Sac Level:±5 Health:±1850 School: Myloc Birthing Sac Creature Type: Attack Types: Attacks on sight: unknown Is social: unknown Is named: Immunities: Resistances: Weaknesses: Coordinates:2243 / 45242Search on Bloodletter Birthing Sac on mapSearch the coordinates Found at the Birthing Chamber. Quests[edit] Fallen Sslik's Task (3): The Birthing Chamber Abilities[edit] Category: Creature Facts... more about "Bloodletter Birthing Sac"RDF feedIs Namedno +Min health1,850 +Min level5 +PortBirthing Chamber +SchoolMyloc Birthing Sac +X2,243 +Y45,242 +