Emir Bar'Akath

From Istaria Lexica

Emir Bar'Akath
Emir Bar-Akath.jpg





Tier: Tier 2
Creature Type: Mummy
Attack Types: Slash

Attacks on sight:

Creature does aggro when passing by.

Is social:

Creature does not aggro companions to fight you.




19937 / 23154

Emir Bar'Akath is an Aegis Mummy Mage roaming the Lesser Aradoth Deadlands. To get to him, port to Parsinia and exit the settlement south. Keep going south until you come to a sandstone golem spawn and a T-fork. Turn east, going inland and uphill, and keep going past the Sandstone Golems and Bronze Golems. To your left (north) there will be a mountain with some white Maggots on the slopes. Head there, and you will enter the Lesser Aradoth Deadlands. Get past the gates and the undead that guard it, and enter the very top of the mountain. Lord Bar'Akath will be there.


Known Cohorts[edit]

Lord Bar'Akath is usually accompanied by a Emir's Guard.



Ancient Moraven Tome
Antiquated Shield
Armor and Scale Defense Tech Kit: Evasion II
Ectoplasmic Residue (T2)
Elm Wood Strip
Exquisite Bracelet
Iron Metal Nugget
Mummified Organ (T2)
Mummy Bindings (T2)
Ornamental Shield
Priceless Bracelet
Rotted Dragon Chest Scale: Iron
Rotted Dragon Head Scale: Iron
Rotted Dragon Wing Scale: Iron
Rotted Elm Bow Limb
Rotted Elm Crossbow Stock
Rotted Elm Crossbow Trigger
Rotted Elm Staff Limb
Rotted Elm Weapon Handle
Rotted Elm Wood Shaft
Rotted Iron Battle Axe Blade
Rotted Iron Broad Sword Blade
Rotted Iron Dagger Blade
Rotted Iron Large Axe Blade
Rotted Iron Long Spear Blade
Rotted Iron Long Sword Blade
Rotted Iron Mace Crown
Rotted Iron Maul Head
Rotted Iron Short Sword Blade
Rotted Iron Sword Pommel
Rotted Iron Two-Handed Sword Blade
Rotted Iron Warhammer Head
Rotted Silver Bracelet Gem Setting
Rotted Silver Bracelet
Rotted Silver Earring Gem Post
Rotted Silver Earring Gem Setting
Rotted Silver Necklace Chain
Rotted Silver Necklace Pendant
Rotted Silver Ring Gem Setting
Rotted Silver Ring
Rotted Tanned Leather Wrappings
Scale Hardener: Iron
Silver Metal Nugget
Silvered Bell
Silvered Coffer
Silvered Crown
Silvered Scepter
Silvered Urn
Tanned Leather Band
Weapon and Claw Tech Kit: Tactician Spirit II
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