Bronze Chest Mimic
From Istaria Lexica
Bronze Chest Mimic | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Bronze Chest Mimics are a kind of trap, by trying to open them they will attack. By chance spawns a Treasure Chest or a Mimic. These chests can be found on Lesser Aradoth.
No quests found for Bronze Chest Mimic.
Broken Figurine
Bronze Metal Nugget
Bronze Molar
Cedar Wood Strip
Coin Purse
Cracked Bronze Battle Axe Blade
Cracked Bronze Bracelet Gem Setting
Cracked Bronze Bracelet
Cracked Bronze Broad Sword Blade
Cracked Bronze Dagger Blade
Cracked Bronze Earring Gem Setting
Cracked Bronze Earring Post
Cracked Bronze Large Axe Blade
Cracked Bronze Long Spear Blade
Cracked Bronze Long Sword Blade
Cracked Bronze Mace Crown
Cracked Bronze Maul Head
Cracked Bronze Necklace Chain
Cracked Bronze Necklace Pendant
Cracked Bronze Ring Setting
Cracked Bronze Ring
Cracked Bronze Short Sword Blade
Cracked Bronze Sword Pommel
Cracked Bronze Two-Handed Sword Blade
Cracked Bronze Warhammer Head
Cracked Cedar Bow Limb
Cracked Cedar Crossbow Stock
Cracked Cedar Crossbow Trigger
Cracked Cedar Staff Limb
Cracked Cedar Weapon Handle
Cracked Cedar Wood Shaft
Cracked Dragon Chest Scale: Bronze
Cracked Dragon Wing Scale: Bronze
Cracked Rough Leather Wrappings
Dark Garnet Armor Crystal
Dark Garnet Jewelry Crystal
Dark Garnet Tool Crystal
Dark Garnet Weapon Crystal
Dark Malachite Armor Crystal
Dark Malachite Jewelry Crystal
Dark Malachite Tool Crystal
Dark Malachite Weapon Crystal
Dark Turquoise Armor Crystal
Dark Turquoise Jewelry Crystal
Dark Turquoise Tool Crystal
Dark Turquoise Weapon Crystal
Dim Alchemist's Cog
Dim Arcane Armor Crystal
Dim Arcane Jewelry Crystal
Dim Arcane Tool Crystal
Dim Arcane Weapon Crystal
Dim Armorer's Cog
Dim Arsonist's Crystal of Magic
Dim Bludgeoning Crystal
Dim Cabal's Crystal of Might
Dim Carpenter's Cog
Dim Cloudy Block Crystal
Dim Cloudy Parry Crystal
Dim Confectioner's Cog
Dim Corrosive Crystal
Dim Crystal of Essence Harvesting Bonus
Dim Crystal of Foraging Bonus
Dim Crystal of Logging Bonus
Dim Crystal of Mining Bonus
Dim Crystal of Quarrying Bonus
Dim Dementia Crystal
Dim Diviner's Crystal of Magic
Dim Diviner's Crystal of Might
Dim Divinia Crystal
Dim Dragon Gatherer's Cog
Dim Dragon Scalecrafter's Cog
Dim Dragon Spellcrafter's Cog
Dim Druidic Crystal of Magic
Dim Druidic Crystal of Might
Dim Enchanter's Cog
Dim Ethereal Armor Crystal
Dim Ethereal Jewelry Crystal
Dim Ethereal Tool Crystal
Dim Ethereal Weapon Crystal
Dim Exsanguinating Crystal
Dim Fitter's Cog
Dim Fletcher's Cog
Dim Gatherer's Cog
Dim Glacius Crystal of Magic
Dim Glacius Crystal of Might
Dim Incineration Crystal
Dim Jeweler's Cog
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Blight
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Bow
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Bruising
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Crossbow
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Crushing
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Dragon Breath
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Energy
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Flame
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Ice
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Mind
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Nature
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Piercing
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Primal
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Slashing
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Slicing
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Spirit
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Summoning
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Tooth & Claw
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Unarmed
Dim Lairshaper's Cog
Dim Magus Crystal of Magic
Dim Mason's Cog
Dim Miner's Cog
Dim Mystical Armor Crystal
Dim Mystical Jewelry Crystal
Dim Mystical Tool Crystal
Dim Mystical Weapon Crystal
Dim Physical Armor Crystal
Dim Physical Jewelry Crystal
Dim Physical Tool Crystal
Dim Physical Weapon Crystal
Dim Protean Crystal of Magic
Dim Protean Crystal of Might
Dim Psionic Crystal of Magic
Dim Psionic Crystal of Might
Dim Puncturing Crystal
Dim Scholar's Cog
Dim Spellcrafter's Cog
Dim Tailor's Cog
Dim Tinkerer's Cog
Dim Umbral Crystal of Might
Dim Weaponsmith's Cog
Dim Weaver's Cog
Dusky Alchemist's Cog
Dusky Armorer's Cog
Dusky Arsonist's Crystal of Magic
Dusky Arsonist's Crystal of Might
Dusky Bludgeoning Crystal
Dusky Carpenter's Cog
Dusky Confectioner's Cog
Dusky Corrosive Crystal
Dusky Decaying Crystal
Dusky Dementia Crystal
Dusky Diviner's Crystal of Magic
Dusky Diviner's Crystal of Might
Dusky Dragon Gatherer's Cog
Dusky Dragon Scalecrafter's Cog
Dusky Dragon Spellcrafter's Cog
Dusky Druidic Crystal of Magic
Dusky Druidic Crystal of Might
Dusky Enchanter's Cog
Dusky Erosion Crystal
Dusky Fitter's Cog
Dusky Fletcher's Cog
Dusky Gatherer's Cog
Dusky Glacius Crystal of Magic
Dusky Glacius Crystal of Might
Dusky Jeweler's Cog
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Blight
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Bow
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Bruising
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Crossbow
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Crushing
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Dragon Breath
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Energy
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Flame
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Ice
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Mind
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Nature
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Piercing
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Primal
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Slashing
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Slicing
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Spirit
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Summoning
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Tooth & Claw
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Unarmed
Dusky Lacerating Crystal
Dusky Lairshaper's Cog
Dusky Magus Crystal of Magic
Dusky Magus Crystal of Might
Dusky Mason's Cog
Dusky Miner's Cog
Dusky Protean Crystal of Magic
Dusky Protean Crystal of Might
Dusky Scholar's Cog
Dusky Spellcrafter's Cog
Dusky Tailor's Cog
Dusky Tinkerer's Cog
Dusky Umbral Crystal of Magic
Dusky Umbral Crystal of Might
Dusky Weaponsmith's Cog
Dusky Weaver's Cog
El Caliente's Crystal of Power
Exceptional Dim Crystal of Holding
Exceptional Dim Crystal of Movement
Greater Dim Crystal of Holding
Greater Dim Crystal of Movement
Large Coin Purse
Lesser Dim Crystal of Holding
Lesser Dim Crystal of Movement
Light Garnet Armor Crystal
Light Garnet Jewelry Crystal
Light Garnet Tool Crystal
Light Garnet Weapon Crystal
Light Malachite Armor Crystal
Light Malachite Jewelry Crystal
Light Malachite Tool Crystal
Light Malachite Weapon Crystal
Light Turquoise Armor Crystal
Light Turquoise Jewelry Crystal
Light Turquoise Tool Crystal
Light Turquoise Weapon Crystal
Medium Coin Purse
Old Comb
Rough Leather Band
Scale Hardener: Bronze
Small Coin Purse
Standard Dim Crystal of Holding
Standard Dim Crystal of Movement
Bronze Metal Nugget
Bronze Molar
Cedar Wood Strip
Coin Purse
Cracked Bronze Battle Axe Blade
Cracked Bronze Bracelet Gem Setting
Cracked Bronze Bracelet
Cracked Bronze Broad Sword Blade
Cracked Bronze Dagger Blade
Cracked Bronze Earring Gem Setting
Cracked Bronze Earring Post
Cracked Bronze Large Axe Blade
Cracked Bronze Long Spear Blade
Cracked Bronze Long Sword Blade
Cracked Bronze Mace Crown
Cracked Bronze Maul Head
Cracked Bronze Necklace Chain
Cracked Bronze Necklace Pendant
Cracked Bronze Ring Setting
Cracked Bronze Ring
Cracked Bronze Short Sword Blade
Cracked Bronze Sword Pommel
Cracked Bronze Two-Handed Sword Blade
Cracked Bronze Warhammer Head
Cracked Cedar Bow Limb
Cracked Cedar Crossbow Stock
Cracked Cedar Crossbow Trigger
Cracked Cedar Staff Limb
Cracked Cedar Weapon Handle
Cracked Cedar Wood Shaft
Cracked Dragon Chest Scale: Bronze
Cracked Dragon Wing Scale: Bronze
Cracked Rough Leather Wrappings
Dark Garnet Armor Crystal
Dark Garnet Jewelry Crystal
Dark Garnet Tool Crystal
Dark Garnet Weapon Crystal
Dark Malachite Armor Crystal
Dark Malachite Jewelry Crystal
Dark Malachite Tool Crystal
Dark Malachite Weapon Crystal
Dark Turquoise Armor Crystal
Dark Turquoise Jewelry Crystal
Dark Turquoise Tool Crystal
Dark Turquoise Weapon Crystal
Dim Alchemist's Cog
Dim Arcane Armor Crystal
Dim Arcane Jewelry Crystal
Dim Arcane Tool Crystal
Dim Arcane Weapon Crystal
Dim Armorer's Cog
Dim Arsonist's Crystal of Magic
Dim Bludgeoning Crystal
Dim Cabal's Crystal of Might
Dim Carpenter's Cog
Dim Cloudy Block Crystal
Dim Cloudy Parry Crystal
Dim Confectioner's Cog
Dim Corrosive Crystal
Dim Crystal of Essence Harvesting Bonus
Dim Crystal of Foraging Bonus
Dim Crystal of Logging Bonus
Dim Crystal of Mining Bonus
Dim Crystal of Quarrying Bonus
Dim Dementia Crystal
Dim Diviner's Crystal of Magic
Dim Diviner's Crystal of Might
Dim Divinia Crystal
Dim Dragon Gatherer's Cog
Dim Dragon Scalecrafter's Cog
Dim Dragon Spellcrafter's Cog
Dim Druidic Crystal of Magic
Dim Druidic Crystal of Might
Dim Enchanter's Cog
Dim Ethereal Armor Crystal
Dim Ethereal Jewelry Crystal
Dim Ethereal Tool Crystal
Dim Ethereal Weapon Crystal
Dim Exsanguinating Crystal
Dim Fitter's Cog
Dim Fletcher's Cog
Dim Gatherer's Cog
Dim Glacius Crystal of Magic
Dim Glacius Crystal of Might
Dim Incineration Crystal
Dim Jeweler's Cog
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Blight
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Bow
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Bruising
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Crossbow
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Crushing
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Dragon Breath
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Energy
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Flame
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Ice
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Mind
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Nature
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Piercing
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Primal
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Slashing
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Slicing
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Spirit
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Summoning
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Tooth & Claw
Dim Jewelry Crystal of Unarmed
Dim Lairshaper's Cog
Dim Magus Crystal of Magic
Dim Mason's Cog
Dim Miner's Cog
Dim Mystical Armor Crystal
Dim Mystical Jewelry Crystal
Dim Mystical Tool Crystal
Dim Mystical Weapon Crystal
Dim Physical Armor Crystal
Dim Physical Jewelry Crystal
Dim Physical Tool Crystal
Dim Physical Weapon Crystal
Dim Protean Crystal of Magic
Dim Protean Crystal of Might
Dim Psionic Crystal of Magic
Dim Psionic Crystal of Might
Dim Puncturing Crystal
Dim Scholar's Cog
Dim Spellcrafter's Cog
Dim Tailor's Cog
Dim Tinkerer's Cog
Dim Umbral Crystal of Might
Dim Weaponsmith's Cog
Dim Weaver's Cog
Dusky Alchemist's Cog
Dusky Armorer's Cog
Dusky Arsonist's Crystal of Magic
Dusky Arsonist's Crystal of Might
Dusky Bludgeoning Crystal
Dusky Carpenter's Cog
Dusky Confectioner's Cog
Dusky Corrosive Crystal
Dusky Decaying Crystal
Dusky Dementia Crystal
Dusky Diviner's Crystal of Magic
Dusky Diviner's Crystal of Might
Dusky Dragon Gatherer's Cog
Dusky Dragon Scalecrafter's Cog
Dusky Dragon Spellcrafter's Cog
Dusky Druidic Crystal of Magic
Dusky Druidic Crystal of Might
Dusky Enchanter's Cog
Dusky Erosion Crystal
Dusky Fitter's Cog
Dusky Fletcher's Cog
Dusky Gatherer's Cog
Dusky Glacius Crystal of Magic
Dusky Glacius Crystal of Might
Dusky Jeweler's Cog
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Blight
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Bow
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Bruising
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Crossbow
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Crushing
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Dragon Breath
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Energy
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Flame
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Ice
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Mind
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Nature
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Piercing
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Primal
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Slashing
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Slicing
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Spirit
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Summoning
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Tooth & Claw
Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Unarmed
Dusky Lacerating Crystal
Dusky Lairshaper's Cog
Dusky Magus Crystal of Magic
Dusky Magus Crystal of Might
Dusky Mason's Cog
Dusky Miner's Cog
Dusky Protean Crystal of Magic
Dusky Protean Crystal of Might
Dusky Scholar's Cog
Dusky Spellcrafter's Cog
Dusky Tailor's Cog
Dusky Tinkerer's Cog
Dusky Umbral Crystal of Magic
Dusky Umbral Crystal of Might
Dusky Weaponsmith's Cog
Dusky Weaver's Cog
El Caliente's Crystal of Power
Exceptional Dim Crystal of Holding
Exceptional Dim Crystal of Movement
Greater Dim Crystal of Holding
Greater Dim Crystal of Movement
Large Coin Purse
Lesser Dim Crystal of Holding
Lesser Dim Crystal of Movement
Light Garnet Armor Crystal
Light Garnet Jewelry Crystal
Light Garnet Tool Crystal
Light Garnet Weapon Crystal
Light Malachite Armor Crystal
Light Malachite Jewelry Crystal
Light Malachite Tool Crystal
Light Malachite Weapon Crystal
Light Turquoise Armor Crystal
Light Turquoise Jewelry Crystal
Light Turquoise Tool Crystal
Light Turquoise Weapon Crystal
Medium Coin Purse
Old Comb
Rough Leather Band
Scale Hardener: Bronze
Small Coin Purse
Standard Dim Crystal of Holding
Standard Dim Crystal of Movement
... more about "Bronze Chest Mimic"
Bronze Metal Nugget +, Cedar Wood Strip +, Cracked Bronze Battle Axe Blade +, Cracked Bronze Bracelet Gem Setting +, Cracked Bronze Bracelet +, Cracked Bronze Broad Sword Blade +, Cracked Bronze Dagger Blade +, Cracked Bronze Earring Gem Setting +, Cracked Bronze Earring Post +, Cracked Bronze Large Axe Blade +, Cracked Bronze Long Spear Blade +, Cracked Bronze Long Sword Blade +, Cracked Bronze Mace Crown +, Cracked Bronze Maul Head +, Cracked Bronze Necklace Chain +, Cracked Bronze Necklace Pendant +, Cracked Bronze Ring Setting +, Cracked Bronze Ring +, Cracked Bronze Short Sword Blade +, Cracked Bronze Sword Pommel +, Cracked Bronze Two-Handed Sword Blade +, Cracked Bronze Warhammer Head +, Cracked Cedar Bow Limb +, Cracked Cedar Crossbow Stock +, Cracked Cedar Crossbow Trigger +, Cracked Cedar Staff Limb +, Cracked Cedar Weapon Handle +, Cracked Cedar Wood Shaft +, Cracked Dragon Chest Scale: Bronze +, Cracked Dragon Wing Scale: Bronze +, Cracked Rough Leather Wrappings +, Rough Leather Band +, Scale Hardener: Bronze +, Coin Purse +, Large Coin Purse +, Medium Coin Purse +, Small Coin Purse +, Dark Garnet Armor Crystal +, Dark Garnet Jewelry Crystal +, Dark Garnet Tool Crystal +, Dark Garnet Weapon Crystal +, Dark Malachite Armor Crystal +, Dark Malachite Jewelry Crystal +, Dark Malachite Tool Crystal +, Dark Malachite Weapon Crystal +, Dark Turquoise Armor Crystal +, Dark Turquoise Jewelry Crystal +, Dark Turquoise Tool Crystal +, Dark Turquoise Weapon Crystal +, Dim Alchemist's Cog +, Dim Arcane Armor Crystal +, Dim Arcane Jewelry Crystal +, Dim Arcane Tool Crystal +, Dim Arcane Weapon Crystal +, Dim Armorer's Cog +, Dim Arsonist's Crystal of Magic +, Dim Bludgeoning Crystal +, Dim Cabal's Crystal of Might +, Dim Carpenter's Cog +, Dim Cloudy Block Crystal +, Dim Cloudy Parry Crystal +, Dim Confectioner's Cog +, Dim Corrosive Crystal +, Dim Dementia Crystal +, Dim Diviner's Crystal of Magic +, Dim Diviner's Crystal of Might +, Dim Divinia Crystal +, Dim Dragon Gatherer's Cog +, Dim Dragon Scalecrafter's Cog +, Dim Dragon Spellcrafter's Cog +, Dim Druidic Crystal of Magic +, Dim Druidic Crystal of Might +, Dim Enchanter's Cog +, Dim Ethereal Armor Crystal +, Dim Ethereal Jewelry Crystal +, Dim Ethereal Tool Crystal +, Dim Ethereal Weapon Crystal +, Dim Exsanguinating Crystal +, Dim Fitter's Cog +, Dim Fletcher's Cog +, Dim Gatherer's Cog +, Dim Glacius Crystal of Magic +, Dim Glacius Crystal of Might +, Dim Incineration Crystal +, Dim Jeweler's Cog +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Blight +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Bow +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Bruising +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Crossbow +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Crushing +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Dragon Breath +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Energy +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Flame +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Ice +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Mind +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Nature +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Piercing +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Primal +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Slashing +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Slicing +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Spirit +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Summoning +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Tooth & Claw +, Dim Jewelry Crystal of Unarmed +, Dim Lairshaper's Cog +, Dim Magus Crystal of Magic +, Dim Mason's Cog +, Dim Miner's Cog +, Dim Mystical Armor Crystal +, Dim Mystical Jewelry Crystal +, Dim Mystical Tool Crystal +, Dim Mystical Weapon Crystal +, Dim Physical Armor Crystal +, Dim Physical Jewelry Crystal +, Dim Physical Tool Crystal +, Dim Physical Weapon Crystal +, Dim Protean Crystal of Magic +, Dim Protean Crystal of Might +, Dim Psionic Crystal of Magic +, Dim Psionic Crystal of Might +, Dim Puncturing Crystal +, Dim Scholar's Cog +, Dim Spellcrafter's Cog +, Dim Tailor's Cog +, Dim Tinkerer's Cog +, Dim Umbral Crystal of Might +, Dim Weaponsmith's Cog +, Dim Weaver's Cog +, Lesser Dim Crystal of Holding +, Lesser Dim Crystal of Movement +, Light Garnet Armor Crystal +, Light Garnet Jewelry Crystal +, Light Garnet Tool Crystal +, Light Garnet Weapon Crystal +, Light Malachite Armor Crystal +, Light Malachite Jewelry Crystal +, Light Malachite Tool Crystal +, Light Malachite Weapon Crystal +, Light Turquoise Armor Crystal +, Light Turquoise Jewelry Crystal +, Light Turquoise Tool Crystal +, Light Turquoise Weapon Crystal +, Standard Dim Crystal of Holding +, Standard Dim Crystal of Movement +, Dim Crystal of Essence Harvesting Bonus +, Dim Crystal of Foraging Bonus +, Dim Crystal of Logging Bonus +, Dim Crystal of Mining Bonus +, Dim Crystal of Quarrying Bonus +, Dusky Alchemist's Cog +, Dusky Armorer's Cog +, Dusky Arsonist's Crystal of Magic +, Dusky Arsonist's Crystal of Might +, Dusky Bludgeoning Crystal +, Dusky Carpenter's Cog +, Dusky Confectioner's Cog +, Dusky Corrosive Crystal +, Dusky Decaying Crystal +, Dusky Dementia Crystal +, Dusky Diviner's Crystal of Magic +, Dusky Diviner's Crystal of Might +, Dusky Dragon Gatherer's Cog +, Dusky Dragon Scalecrafter's Cog +, Dusky Dragon Spellcrafter's Cog +, Dusky Druidic Crystal of Magic +, Dusky Druidic Crystal of Might +, Dusky Enchanter's Cog +, Dusky Erosion Crystal +, Dusky Fitter's Cog +, Dusky Fletcher's Cog +, Dusky Gatherer's Cog +, Dusky Glacius Crystal of Magic +, Dusky Glacius Crystal of Might +, Dusky Jeweler's Cog +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Blight +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Bow +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Bruising +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Crossbow +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Crushing +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Dragon Breath +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Energy +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Flame +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Ice +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Mind +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Nature +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Piercing +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Primal +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Slashing +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Slicing +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Spirit +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Summoning +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Tooth & Claw +, Dusky Jewelry Crystal of Unarmed +, Dusky Lacerating Crystal +, Dusky Lairshaper's Cog +, Dusky Magus Crystal of Magic +, Dusky Magus Crystal of Might +, Dusky Mason's Cog +, Dusky Miner's Cog +, Dusky Protean Crystal of Magic +, Dusky Protean Crystal of Might +, Dusky Scholar's Cog +, Dusky Spellcrafter's Cog +, Dusky Tailor's Cog +, Dusky Tinkerer's Cog +, Dusky Umbral Crystal of Magic +, Dusky Umbral Crystal of Might +, Dusky Weaponsmith's Cog +, Dusky Weaver's Cog +, El Caliente's Crystal of Power +, Exceptional Dim Crystal of Holding +, Exceptional Dim Crystal of Movement +, Greater Dim Crystal of Holding +, Greater Dim Crystal of Movement +, Broken Figurine +, Bronze Molar + and Old Comb +